Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Exclusive: A Look Back At Zsa Zsa Gabor’s Glamorous Life

Zsa Zsa Gabor, the world famous Hungarian actress, socialite and personality, recently had her leg amputated in a life-saving operation, which was amputated right above her knee sue to a deep lesion that threatened her life.

Though the 93-year-old former screen siren is doing better, according to husband Frederic Prinz Von Anhalt, she is still in critical condition. Anhalt has recently started to sell off Gabor’s massive collection of fur coats, which he says is necessary to pay her extensive medical bills.

According to Anhalt, the collection is valued at over $600,000, and “the doctor says she will never get out of bed so I want the coats out of our life.”

We here at Incredible Features hope for a speedy recovery for the icon, and remember her fondly as a vivacious woman who has remained  glamorous her entire life.

Back in 1985, we caught up with Gabor in her Bel-Air mansion as she showed us around her massive home in the ritzy area.

The shoot occurred one year before she married her current husband, which is her ninth. The pictures show her sitting next to her piano, posing next to her grand furniture and an arial view of her palatial residence.

Gabor is not shy when talking about how she cultivated her fame and wealth. In a Tonight Show appearance, Gabor famously said, ” I am a marvelous housekeeper. Every time I leave a man I keep his house.”

To see pictures from the whole story, click here.

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