Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Planking: New Extreme Game Involves Just Lying Down

What do you like to do for fun? How about, lying face down with your arms at your sides in public spaces? Well, Karren and Jinyu have gained fame throughout their native Taiwan and around the world for doing just that.

The duo, known as the “Pujie Girls”, have become two of the most recognizable figures in the “planking” or “lying down game” circuit. The game was invented in 1997 by Gary Clarkson and Christian Langdon in Britain, and was originally called the “lying down game”. Since then, the game has become popular in Asia and Australia.

As you might have already guessed, in order to play the game, all you have to do is lie face down with your arms at your sides in an unusual place, and upload a photo of the act onto the internet.

The Pujie girls plank to promote various causes, such as tourism in Taiwan. “If people from other parts of the world can learn more about Taiwan through these photos, then our photos become very meaningful,” Karren said during an interview with The girls have planked in metro stations, night markets, and popular tourist destinations, including Taipei’s trendy XiMenDing shopping district.

But here’s the twist—fans of the game try to outdo each other by planking in the most unusual places possible. People plank on tree branches, moving vehicles and even railroad tracks. An Australian man named Acton Beale fell to his death after planking on his balcony’s railings. Many, including Australia’s Prime Minister Julia Gillard, have subsequently spoken out against planking. The Official Lying Down Game website states, “Please don’t risk your life or health for the sake of a photo!”

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