Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Daredevil Crashes Jet Ski Through Boat

Ricky D, the daredevil extraordinaire, attempted what most people would call a death wish: straddling a relatively small jet ski, Ricky D plowed right into the hull of a boat, creating a huge hole and emerging victorious on the other side.

Defying injury and even death, the smiling adrenaline junkie hurtled right through the red and yellow 35-foot boat while riding his jet ski at 60 mph.

This jet ski had a little more protection that your average one, though. Using a supped-up engine and a custom front end that is made of the same material as a bullet-proof vest, Ricky D was prepared for the worst but hoping for the best.

The stunt was done near Ricky D’s Sacramento home, and as he emerged from the one-inch thick mahogany hull with a trail of debris behind him, the audience let out a collective sigh of relief.

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