Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Adopting Pets as Children

OK, I know almost everyone loves dogs, and they’re extremely intelligent, but some people take this whole “dogs-as-surrogate-children” thing a wee bit too far.

Case in point: Beth Joy Knutsen and her husband have six adopted children. However, the “children” are their adopted pets rather than human offspring.

The Manhattan couple has founded an unusual family unit. They made the decision to adopt pets instead because of their love of animals. The couple even has tattoos dedicated to their three dogs, Bella Starlet, Oscar, and Riff — love really is painful, apparently!

The other half of their family members are feline. Among them a pretty tabby named Beastie that has often appeared in American TV ads. When asked if they have children, both of them answer yes. Beth even anthropomorphizes her little dog by speaking as Bella Starlet’s voice, saying: “Mom and I have saved each other’s lives, and we shall be sister souls forever.” Beth wants to share her family with the world and does so in the role of acting agent for Bella Starlet.

This professional canine actress can be seen in movies, TV shows and magazines. Bella even has her own website and is the local darling of neighbors as well.

She even credits Sarah Jessica Parker as one of her fans! The animals also share their happiness by attending charity galas, parties, beauty contests, conferences, and school shows just to name a few. But each animal has his or her own personality and special set of skills. Bella, for instance, understands instructions in French as well as English.

Riff officially graduated from “dog therapy” school in New York City where she was trained to go into the homes of frightened children and help them overcome their fear of dogs. Families who aren’t lucky enough to have their own dog can hang out with Riff for a day if they want. They pay for her to visit for a few hours, and she cuddles and comforts them in her own special way. This may seem a bit too stage Mom of Beth but she says most of the income goes to animal welfare associations.

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